понедельник, 19 ноября 2012 г.

Individual Reading . Tom Clancy : Rainbow Six. p. 1- 241 .

The story begins with the flight of  John Clark  ( with wife Sandy and his  pregnant daughter
Patsy, who is married to Domingo - our second main character ),   Domingo Chavez  ( John's son in law) and Alistair Stanley  across the North Atlantic area.  All these three men were united not only by their familiarity and flying on the plane - all these people were "employees" of  U.S. Defense Ministery, John Clark, was ex-Navy SEAL, and two other characters, Alistair Stanley was the executive commander of Rainbow Six group, and Domingo "Ding" Chavez was the leader of Team 2 - one of the two constituent links of Rainbow Six agencie. Keen mind and military experience helped John to identify  4 terrorists in the plane and with help of his companions, the terrorists were successfully brought under  their control,  with non-fatal way of operative actions .So, the military forces had been informed and the plane made the nearest landing in England, the terrorists were put into the hands of of special organizations, and the boys went on their way further. The destination point was Hereford, England and John Clark had become the commander and in charge of starting a new European  anti-terrorist group called Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six was splitted into two main parts - Team 1 and Team 2 - their main aim was to eliminate the threat of terrorism in any part of the world in somt anonymously form -  only  100 people knew about its foundation , even for the CIA and the FBI the  information about this department was at the edge of "top secret" mark, strictly classified. The unit consists of a highly effective and cohesive pair of operational squads, supplemented by intelligence and technological experts from the SAS .
  A group of scientists, apparently working on a terrorist organization, held the secret of some biological experiments on people - the homeless people, caught at night on the streets of New York. The test is to keep of twenty test people in the building (they were washed and shaved, got new clothes and were allowed to choose any type of alcohol - these scientists  facilitated the ability to monitor drunken men. Scientists  main aim - the creation of the  immune system virus,  based on the separation of cancer cells of the colon and their fast parasitic effects.
  After two difficult weeks of hadrcore training in Hereford, either Team 1 and Team 2 were ready to execute any mission - their bodies were in perfect shape, reaction to any action - lightning fast, they fired without misses, and they could struggle against bear or tiger  in the melee battle - the best professionals around the world . The first inciden thad happend in a Swiss bank, where terrorists had taken absolute control. They also had citizenas  hostages .Team 2 successfully took them out, with only one hostage killed, but he was killed before they had gotten there. The first mission helped them to  organize themselves and fix a few holes in their planning. And after killing of these terrorists , reader could also know the main main villain of this story - unbeknownst to them, radical eco-terrorists from a biotechnology firm called the Horizon Corporation have orchestrated the previous attacks, having hired ex-KGB officer Dimitriy Popov to foment the incidents.

1 комментарий:

  1. Good!
    But for your grammar it would be excellent ...
    APART FROM THEIR ACQUAINTANCE AND PRESENCE ON BOARD THE SAMEplane - THOSE MEN were "employees" of THE U.S. Defense Ministery, John Clark, was AN ex-Navy SEAL,... one of the two constituent links of THE Rainbow Six agencY
    JOHN'S Keen mind and military experience helped HIM ... and with THE help of his companions ...
    'with non-fatal way of operative actions' - WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
    So, the military forces WERE (NO PERFECT TENSE) informed ... John Clark BECAME (NO PERFECT TENSE) the commander WHOSE FIRST JOB WAS TO start a new European anti-terrorist group ...
